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Hotel Cleaning Services
When it comes to our hotel cleaning service, we at Kleiber pursue safety, peace of mind, and comfort as we strive to improve customer satisfaction.
To guide our customers' businesses to success, we seek improvement through real, practical work, and aim for even higher quality.
- 1. 信頼と安心のオペレーション
- 2. 万全の体制による安定人員配置
- 3. 教育研修の実施・徹底
- 4. お客様への客室快適性の追求
- ホテル客室清掃
- バスタブ/洗面ボウル/トイレ/カーペット除塵/床拭き/建具の拭き上げ/リネンの回収/ベッドメイク/アメニティ、タオルなどのセッティング/お部屋のセッティング/シャンプー類の補充/グラスの洗浄・配置
- ホテル館内共用清掃
- 共用廊下/ロビー/共用トイレ/ホテル内朝食会場及びレストラン/テナント/ホテル内会議室など
- ホテル内大浴場清掃
- 大浴場/脱衣所/トイレ/ランドリー内清掃/各備品の清掃/鏡の鱗状痕除去(特別清掃)
- ホテル内専門清掃
- カーペットクリーニング/化学床ワックス洗浄(剥離)作業/ガラススクイジー洗浄/エアコン分解洗浄/エアコンフィルター洗浄/換気扇分解洗浄/大理石クリーニング/浴槽カビ除去清掃
Our Fundamental Policies
- 1. Trustworthy and secure operation
- 2. Steady deployment of personnel via thorough systems
- 3. Implementation of complete & consistent training
- 4. Pursuit of comfort in customers' rooms
Service Details
- Hotel Room Cleaning
- bathtub / bathroom sink / toilet / vacuuming the carpet / mopping the floor / wipe-down of fixtures / changing of linens / making the bed (s) / placement of amenities, towels, etc. / room arrangement / shampoo & other refills / cleaning & placement of drinking glasses
- Cleaning of Shared Hotel Spaces
- shared hallways / lobby / shared restrooms / hotel breakfast area or restaurant (s) / services or shops within the hotel / hotel conference rooms, etc.
- Cleaning of Public Hotel Baths
- bath area / dressing rooms / restrooms / cleaning of laundry rooms / cleaning of equipment / removal of water marks from mirrors (special cleaning)
- Specialty Hotel Cleaning
- carpet cleaning / chemical cleaning of waxed floors (stripping) / glass cleaning with squeegee / disassembly & cleaning of air conditioner / cleaning of air conditioner filter / disassembly & cleaning of ventilation fan / cleaning of marble surfaces / bathtub mold removal & cleaning

Management of Facilities & Equipment
Kleiber manages facilities and equipment based on a maintenance plan which centers on preventive maintenance.
We conduct planned maintenance that focuses on the life-cycle cost of various equipment, lowering the need for repairs or replacements as much as possible.
By minimizing the occurrence of breakdowns, thus extending equipment life, we reduce our customers' total cost.
- 1. 24時間 365日 私たちは見守り続けます。
- 2. 予防保全を重視したPDCAサイクルで品質管理体制を構築致します。
- 3. あらゆる業務において、環境への負荷を軽減することを心掛け、地球環境の維持改善に努めます。
- ・消防設備の法定点検
- ・給排水衛生設備の保守点検
- ・昇降機設備
- ・廃棄物処理業務
- ・空調機器メンテナンス
- ・害虫駆除など防除
- ・空気環境測定
- ・環境汚染度検査
- ・館内衛生管理調査
- ・室内装飾全般
- ・建物営繕工事
- ・外壁塗装/防水工事
Our Fundamental Policies
- 1. We'll continue to take care of you, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- 2. We'll establish a quality control system using the PDCA cycle, that emphasizes preventive maintenance.
- 3. In all aspects of our business, we'll do our best to reduce the burden on, as well as maintain and improve, the global environment.
Service Details
- - Legal inspection of firefighting equipment
- - Maintenance & inspection of plumbing & sanitary facilities
- - Elevator equipment
- - Waste disposal service
- - Air conditioning equipment maintenance
- - Pest control / extermination
- - Air quality assessment
- - Inspection for environmental pollutants
- - Inspection of hygiene control within the building
- - Overall decoration of rooms
- - Construction work for building upkeep
- - Painting of exterior walls / waterproofing

We at Kleiber help with the housekeeping so our customers can make the most of their time for themselves.
We provide the right services to fit the lifestyles of each of our customers, so they can find satisfaction without being restricted by daily chores such as cleaning up and doing laundry.
- 1. 上質で安全、安心なサービスのご提供。
- 2. お客様のご希望に合わせたオーダーメイドサービス。
- 3. ホスピタリティ・マインドを大切に業務に取り組みます。
時間 | ご利用料金 | 交通費(1回) |
2時間 | 8,800円 | 1,000円 |
3時間 | 11,400円 | 1,000円 |
4時間 | 15,200円 | 1,000円 |
- ・レンジフード
- ・エアコン
- ・浴槽のエプロン内部
- ・鏡の鱗取り
- ・その他
Our Fundamental Policies
- 1. We provide quality service that is safe and secure.
- 2. Customized services are tailored to your needs and wants.
- 3. We work hard with the importance of hospitality in mind.
About Our Fees
Service, 1+ Day (s) / Week (Sample Fees)
All prices are tax included.
Hours | Usage Fee | Transportation Cost (1 Time) |
2hours | 8,800yen | 1,000yen |
3hours | 11,400yen | 1,000yen |
4hours | 15,200yen | 1,000yen |
Handling of Keys
Per month1,000yen
Service Area
Minato-ku Chuo-ku Chiyoda-ku Bunkyo-ku Shinjuku-ku Shibuya-ku Meguro-ku Setagaya-ku Shinagawa-ku
House cleaning
We will clean where normal cleaning doesn't usually reach.
- - Range hoods
- - Air conditioners
- - Inside the facing of the bathtub
- - Water spots on mirrors
- - and more